"Here's Why You Should Look for Face Masks That Contain Copper"
Copper's antimicrobial properties can kill viruses and bacteria off in just a few hours.
....what many often forget is that copper is also antimicrobial. This means that bacteria and viruses die within hours of coming into contact with it. In fact, E.coli, listeria, MRSA, and staphylococcus can be killed within minutes. And when it comes to this particular strain of coronavirus, a study from the New England Journal of Medicine showed that the virus was found inactive within four hours of landing on a copper surface. This begs the question: if copper has the potential to eliminate the disease so quickly, why are we not talking about copper masks more?
Yes our masks are the real deal!
Also featured as the "most costly materials" for Copper Face Masks on NBCnews Today June 2020